Divided They Win

I guess if you made it to this Blog Page, you are certainly aware of what we are trying to accomplish with our website and our shirt design. Unity.

I have my own theories as to why we are so divided here in America and I am not alone. If you talk to what I consider the people on the ground, family members, the people you work with, close friends, or just acquaintances you run into at your local parks, or supermarkets, the majority have the same theories as to why we are being pulled apart. This divisiveness is being propagated by the powerful who just about control everything we see and listen to. They seem to have a win at all cost agenda so one side, or the other, is always going to be remain in an awkward place and will always be resentful of the winning side and nothing will ever be solved. Whatever your theory is, the facts are, we are divided and it has been going on a lot longer than the beginning of Covid in late 2019.

I have been around long enough to know this divisiveness is not new. Just go back to the 1960’s and 1970’s right up to the current day, there was always an issue dividing us. And the story never changes, what the majority of the nation’s people wanted did not matter and it’s even worse today.

Before I began writing this opinion piece, I wanted to do a little internet research on what others were saying on this issue. As you would imagine, many articles and opinions were divisive. However, I did find an article in the Los Angeles Times that quoted a non-partisan research organization that reported on a survey of 17 countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. The survey reported that “Americans are most likely to say their society is split along partisan, racial, and ethnic lines”. The article also pointed out that during the decades of the “1960’s and 1970’s that there was little difference between the two political parties”.

This is when I believe the seeds of divisiveness were planted. The federal government, I believe, started getting involved in issues that were very divisive and have had a negative effect on society. Many of these issues are still alive today and seem to be used for political gain. What’s more, the Federal Government is not alone, Corporate America, the media, and many other organizations are involved. I believe when you keep forcing people to be tolerant of issues they disagree with, they grow tired and eventually more intolerant, especially when it’s being done for political advantage as it is currently.  Personally, and this goes for my family, close friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and other individuals I come into contact with of all colors and nationalities. We don’t seem to discuss the conflicts mentioned in the L. A. Times Article. We do, however, discuss immigration, divisive political and media rhetoric, trust in our election process, the economy, the deficit, corruption, government tyranny, abortion, out of control spending, and several other issues. Other than abortion it seems like the people in my little world agree on everything else. I believe most people, myself included, keep those ethnic, racial, and religious issues to themselves for fear of bringing conflict into their personal relationships. In my opinion this is not good practice. Lack of communication and compromise never works. We are so divided that it appears there is no hope especially when politicians, the media, corporations, and other organizations are trying to force their ideology on us all. It’s all about winning no matter what the cost. The L.A. Times article is a perfect example of the divisive nature of the powerful. It did not take more than a couple of paragraphs into the article for the writer to point the finger at one side of the divide.

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